Chapter 2 Sneak Peek #30: Return to Eagledeen (Part 6)

Welcome to yet another sneak peek of Alchemica - Chapter 2!

Last week we have teased the interior or one building that is located near Adelaide Park, so now we are ready to show you guys the rest.

The first screenshot is of the Attire Shop! Here, Charlotte will be able to purchase and obtain non-event attire for her to wear. We will be creating those attires later during the development phase, so be sure to keep following our sneak peek.

The last building is an Alchemist Shop! Now, Charlotte will not be a lone alchemist in the story, since she will encounter other people with the same profession as her. In this place, Charlotte can purchase some ingredients, or buy some readily-made potions to use on her adventure. The stock will change after several in-game days. The alchemist table here is also operable, so she don't have to travel back home to mix some potions.

The last screenshot is of someone else's home. Its occupants will come home really soon...

This concludes our sneak peek for this week. We will spend the remainder of the week to do some map-making.

See you next time!

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