A downloadable game

Welcome to Rochendil, a fantasy realm filled with magic and mystery. Peace has reigned over the continent for years, but signs of dark times are looming on the horizon.

Journey as Charlotte, a young alchemist returning to her hometown to pursue her dream to become a successful merchant. Little does she know about her future role in determining the fate of her world...

Main Features
• A blend of traditional turn-based RPG, tycoon simulation game, and puzzle gameplay.
• Light hearted story with lots of interesting characters to interact with.
• Over a dozen of enemies to battle.
• Multiple combinations of items to discover and craft
• Manage your store, win over customers, and become a successful merchant.

Explore Dungeons
• Traverse multiple levels of randomly generated dungeons through a mysterious network of ancient portals.
• Engage in battles against unique enemies in classic turn-based combat.
• Stock up valuable materials, drops, and treasures along the way.
• Claim victory over tough and challenging enemy bosses.

Craft Items
• Fuse various materials into more useful and more valuable items.
• Discover multiple combinations through experiments and quests. 
• Utilize the items you craft to win battles, or sell them to gain gold coins.

Gain Profit
• Fill your store with the loots you collected and the items you crafted.
• Haggle your way against various type of patrons to earn gold coins.
• Become a renowned and successful merchant!

Join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/PYSBmkh

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(3 edits)

I am wondering what the game has in terms of time. I see a year in the calendar in addition to the month and date? How does the year affect things? Can you play for over a thousand years and be fine except it looks bad cosmetically, for example?

I really hope that they improve on a few things:

  • The tutorials (like it can be kind of hard to find tutorials that you forgot about after stopping for a while unless they just happen to be part of the tips).
  • Controls. The touch controls are honestly pretty bad here, especially with widescreen devices. It can be very hard to interact with objects sometimes since my controls are in one section of the screen. A relative point movement system might be helpful for the time being (Basically where you press is the 'center', then you move in a direction from there instead of having a fixed control area). Or a tap move (where you tap on something to interact/move). Not as a replacement to the current system, but as alternatives.
  • Widescreen support. The game looks really bad on some devices to the point of being near unplayable. (Like unreadable text. Can still play aside from that.)
  • Local Map. Currently local map could be improved. I haven't found a way to expand it yet so that you can better see what is going on.
  • Inventory control. I would very much like to remove my gear from my hotbar and place my slingshot on the hotbar without unequipping them, but the game won't let me move equipped gear. Game also won't let me put the book in the bottom row. I was able to before, but after I did, the book swapped with my top right item and since then I haven't been able to put anything there again. At least not manually.
  • Related: Tried to harvest a dew leaf and it told me there was no space with a stack of 5. Moved the dew leaf in my inventory to another slot and I was able to harvest. Might actually have been related to pathing and the game being unable to find a path.
  • I really hope that they add bundle options so that we can buy all the DLC at a discounted price instead of buying them one by one, but that is just me balking at the idea of spending almost 20 USD before cosmetics on a mobile game. (Unless those backpack upgrades are just early unlocks)
  • Wonder if they have any way to reset points if we messed up our build without having to restart. Nothing in the game so far tells me.
  • Take all button is in an awkward position for me. Hope they give us alternative positions for that button such as swapping exp to the top and the buttons to the bottom or have buttons closer to where your fingers would be.
  • I do hope they let us customize the UI a bit so that we can more easily reach hotbar items and such.
  • At one point while farming, the attack button stopped working and only auto worked.
  • Would like for a way to turn towards the nearest valid interactable given the control issues.
  • Hope this game will have a pc version or at least join the google play beta program for pc.
  • Controller support please.

Hello I just purchased an IAP and I can't find the 100 inventory increase isn't the invetory the stack box in my room?, Can I get a refund? Please reach out to my email. Thank you!


In the mobile game territory, i think this is a hidden gem. I have loved and played this game for years, and am still anxiously waiting for each next sneak peak. I wish the person/people from crunchy bit games all the best. And thank you for creating a game i love with all my heart.


i feel the same. i love this game


I would love for this game to be on PC/Laptop. Please release it on PC because i would love to play it on high Quality other than that I LOVE THIS GAME!!


Gosh i LOVED this game! I´m playing for almost half a year now and i can´t take my eyes out of it. I hope that the dev continue to expand the game and that he/she add more recipes and all. Also im so tented to discover more of her fathers history, im trying to find the other part of the letter. Please keep up with that amazing game, here in Brazil i already have two friends of mine interested on it. 

Kinda disappointed that I can't find a Twitter for game dev :( but I'm kinda hooked on this buggy game, and got somewhat excited when I realized the dev was actually putting time into improving/expanding it.  Wish it'd stop crashing and having graphical errors, though :\

Until the crashes are solved, maybe a soft save upon finishing a combat, so upon reloading game you choose start of zone or end of combat?  Would get rid of the part where I fight a bunch of monsters but then lose it all and have to restart the area.  Which happens frequently.

Also, why is it that nobody's buying my old armor or the cupcakes and cakes I bought from next door?  I can't appear to sell my old armor to the Eagledeen vendor, so it should be something I can sell in my shop.  Is it just that the right buyer hasn't entered yet? because I've had multiple times when the shop closes without any sales, though my shelves are stocked with cupcakes and such.

And I'd like to see an alchemist or magic user from a neighboring area, or one who's just starting out, use my shop to buy extra mats for their work.  That way I could get rid of all this extra slime ooze.  I've started fleeing slimes just to avoid the overstock, and I still get way too much extra from the Fighter Guild forays.  Maybe give us a way to squash slime into higher-level ingredients or something?  Donate it to the Mage Guild for points?  Use it as fertilizer to grow extra resources at home?

(Unbalanced ingredients is one of my pet peeves, from back when I was hooked on Facebook games.  Theirs was deliberate (trying to get you to buy the items you needed), but this one's just incidental.  Still, having a ton of something you can't use, that just takes up space, is irritating, and I hate to just destroy it (might need it later), and I'm always getting more of it.)

Some items, like armors and baked goods from next door, are currently unsellable through the store mini game. There will be an UI update in Chapter 2 which will show which type of customers are interested with a particular item, among other revamps and updates.

Please send us detailed description of the crash and ways to reproduce it: potion/bomb used, enemy types fought, last action that was taken that made the crash, etc. Crashes are difficult to find, but we will fix it immediately if we can reproduce it on our end. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

When can I get/create a bigger backpack?  I assume from the silk?  When will I get recipes to make the silk into something I can sell?  (I've been selling low-quality silk, but saving the good quality for whichever item I can eventually make.)  Why does silk require alchemy, I mean seriously? it's a weird outlier.  Would be less immersion-breaking if I went and sold spiderweb to a specific merchant, and got paid the same price as it would take to buy silk from that merchant (in quantities limited by the amount of spiderweb I brought them).  Also, I'd love to be able to make cloth items and enchant them, or create potions whereby to enchant them, something like that, to sell them.

I've got multiple quests that basically just go "Hey, those guards are blocking the way, can't fulfill this quest yet."  What?  How long before the guards move?  It's been months of in-game time!  I beat the forest and I'm halfway through the temple area, just opened up the graveyard.  Why would I get a quest to deliver flower petals to a shopkeep in Eagledeen at a time when I can't enter any regular shops?  Why didn't the "go to Eagledeen" quest disappear once I went there, instead of constantly reminding me that I can't fulfill the next step yet?

(1 edit)

You can only access Eagledeen's Market District for now, but you can access the other buildings if you advance the main story ;)

I still can't find anyone who sharpens swords.  And why is it that broken swords stack, but tiny copper rings don't?  How long before I get the ability to enchant a ring (or a sword)?  Am I missing something here? something I ought to be doing instead of foraging through the dungeon areas, turning the stuff into potions, selling the potions in my shop, taking whichever quests the guild offers, and talking to random people at random times in the hope that something new pops up?

Is there a part of the GUI or whatever that indicates when the Eagledeen merchants happen? because right now, I just have to head over there and see if they're there, which wastes both in-game and out-game time.  (Why does traveling by portal to a nearby town waste a whole chunk of time, anyway?  Shouldn't portal travel be instant, but making use of an area (foraging, shopping, etc.) be the thing that makes time advance when you leave?)  A game that I pull out of my pocket at random times when I'm bored should not also be a game where I have to keep mental track of some sort of schedule within the game world.

There's a calendar on the drawer back at home that can be used to check when the bazaar is available, among other things.

in relation to the broken swords - you can combine 3 of them (1 per slot) to create an iron slab, which you can then sell. The copper rings - there's a few recipes for rings - ones multistep and gives you a fire damage ring and the other (1 copper ring and 2 agate) gives you a ring that sells for ~600gp. Your quests- If you don't have a quest related to the Stony ruins, talk to the lekumbas until you get a quest to go to the end of the stony ruins.

Lastly (for now): I know it's low priority, but I wish I could choose the color hierarchy for the minigame.  I love purple, but it only shows up when the game is complex enough that it's not so fun anymore.  When I finally get enough experience in the game to make it easier and more fun, the purple's gone!  I'd love to be able to set the colors in some menu, individually, either ordering the colors I've discovered so far, or specifically choosing custom colors for each difficulty level.  Also, would be kinda nice if getting a high score at the game gave you an extra potion (if you were doing at least X potions).  Say that for every four potions you're making at once, there's a chance of a fifth potion, so if you were making 12 potions, you could conceivably get back 15 (some chance of getting 13, lower chance of getting 14, very low chance of getting 15), and it's based on how well you played the game.  Also, would be neat to have a bonus round of some sort if you get the potion done and there's still X seconds left on the clock, but only when it's not the easiest level (because that would get tedious).  Maybe an option for which level is the lowest level that bonus rounds kick in on.

Actually, related to that: Have you ever played Puzzle Pirates?  The gameplay is based around a lot of different minigames.  It'd be neat if this game eventually got a couple new minigames for different aspects of gameplay.  Or gave an option of which of three types of minigames is the one you'd like to play for alchemy, so there's a bit of a switch-up and it's not quite so tedious at times.

Will be a homunculus feature in the game because Alchemist also do homunculus

when is chapter 2 released ?

This looks great! Will we ever see a PC version anytime soon?

No plans at the moment :(

If there are any plans of a PC version of this game you can have my money!!